June 22-24: Weekend Safari to Green Paradise: the Nandi Hills

Green Paradise :  the Nandi Hills

22-24 June

The Nandi Hills is a very beautiful part of Kenya. It is a tea growing area and after the rains it will be amazingly green.

We shall stay on a tea farm, at Kip’s Resort, a small homely hotel. On the way we shall explore the Molo-Elburgan-Turi area , the heart of white settlement and European agriculture in colonial times.

There will be a visit to Nandi forest, a tea factory and Kingwal swamp where we may see the sitatunga.

Space is limited so please book and pay early.

Cost: 6,850 Ksh pp sharing. Single room  supplement  500 Ksh per day.

Included – HB on Friday and FB on Sunday.

Not included- Transport & tips

For any further information email me or call me.

Narinder Heyer

Weekend Outings Coordinator

Mob: 0733 704267, 0721 718590


June 1-3, 2012: KMS Camel Safari

Dear KMS member,

Here’s a chance to sign up for the Camel Safari next weekend, 1 – 3 June 2012.

We only have 2 places left for this trip.

This exciting trip will combine a camel walk with history. George and Joy Adamson stayed in this area for several  months when he was warden. We shall visit their house and see where George kept his lions.

On Saturday we shall go for a full day’s camel walk. You can ride a camel or walk alongside.

Included: Lunch and dinner on Friday and dinner on Saturday. For the camel walk, you can either carry you own picnic or get a packed lunch from the camp @ Ksh 600  which will include drinking water.

We shall stay at the simple but very pleasant Gaddissa Camp which is run by a Dutch woman. It is  a few kilometres outside Isiolo. The camp has a swimming pool and five rooms only. 3 rooms have double beds and two have twin beds. No single rooms.

The rest of the persons will camp in the spacious grounds.


  • Ksh 12,850 p.p sharing
  • Ksh 10,450 p.p for campers

Book & pay now!
Narinder Heyer
KMS Safari’s Coordinator

May 30: Last screening of ‘Know Kenya More through Films’ series

We are happy to invite you for the 6th and last screening of Know Kenya More through Films series!

Monica Wangu Wamwere: The Unbroken Spirit – Wednesday, 30 May , at 7pm

The Unbroken Spirit explores the search for justice by a mother for her three sons and forty nine other detainees locked up during the clamour for multiparty democracy in Kenya. It is a story of courage, determination and power for the powerless. Above all, it is the story of a mother’s unconditional love.

Winner, First Prize, Best Documentary at the Pan-African Film and Television Festival of OuagadougoESPACO)

Director: Jane Murago Munene

Nairobi National Museum, Louis Leakey Auditorium

Doors Open 6:45 pm  – Screening 7:00 pm


  • Ksh 500  Non members
  • Ksh 400  Members
  • Ksh 200  Students

Proceeds fund the development of exhibitions and support the National Museums of Kenya

For more info or to book, please contact:

Dorothy Mkala, Society Secretary
0724 255299, 2339158

May-July 2012: Upcoming Art Exhibitions

Tranquil Waters

An exhibition of paintings by Lake Basin Art Group (LBAG)

May – June 2012  Creativity Gallery

Lake Basin Art Group(LBAG),is a unique group of Artists who come majorly from the Lake Region,Western part of Kenya.The group has an amazing blend of numerous talent,from painting,sculptures,installations,jewelery,dancing.photography,interior designing,graphic designing,printing and basically everything that involves creativity.LBAG is fortunate to have established,emerging,students and upcoming Artists as members from both genders.

The Lake region is known for its rich culture,traditions, folklore, the ever amazing scenery,social and economic activities that influence and inspire most of our works,from the Lake Victoria, fisherman,bodaboda,Kit mikaye,Lwanda magere,Hyacinth,Ohangla,Kisii soap stone and the list is endless,hence the never ending variety of our creations.

They have successfully had group Exhibitions across the country,in Kisumu at the Kisumu Museum,Aga Khan Hall,Mwangaza Art School,Nairobi National Museum and The Village Market.

Shades of Time

An exhibition by Kafiri Kariuki

15 – 31 May Creativity Gallery

The name Kaafiri Kariuki is synonymous with the intricate and time -consuming technique he calls” dancing pen”.  He uses this to critique the status of society, something that he refer to as an “ironic existence”.The village, the slum and the “big”city are symbols that he always uses to base his critical outline with nostalgic references to “naive” Africa. All these are mixed with personal experiences and an attachment to music, which he plays.

Some of his recent exhibitions include:

2009 -French cultural center ( solo Exhibition)
2009- Ramoma ( solo exhibition)
2010 – Le restique ( solo)
2011- spherique arts (Zanzibar)

Power of Unity

Creating a vital voice for artists to influence good governance

22 May – 22 July The Nairobi Gallery

The Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, The Non State Actors Support Programme (NSA – NET) and the European Union in collaboration with the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) and in consultation with visual artists have organised an exhibition dubbed “Power of unity: creating a vital voice for artists to influence good governance”. The main objective of this initiative is to enable the artists to create a platform / forum in which they can continuously use to articulate issues affecting them as a discipline. The exhibition will serve three purposes, namely:

1.    To provide an opportunity for artist show case their work, specifically reflecting  their interpretation of the networking/unity theme;
2.    To provide an opportunity for visual artist to discuss and endorse the formation of a visual artists network; and
3.    To officially launch visual artists network.

The exhibition will take place at The Nairobi Gallery, National Museums of Kenya from 22nd May 2012 to 22nd July 2012.


Tranquil Waters
An exhibition of paintings by Lake Basin Art Group(LBAG)

May – June 2012 Creativity Gallery

Lake Basin Art Group(LBAG),is a unique group of Artists who come majorly from the Lake Region,Western part of Kenya.The group has an amazing blend of numerous talent,from painting,sculptures,installations,jewelery,dancing.photography,interior designing,graphic designing,printing and basically everything that involves creativity.LBAG is fortunate to have established,emerging,students and upcoming Artists as members from both genders.

The Lake region is known for its rich culture,traditions, folklore, the ever amazing scenery,social and economic activities that influence and inspire most of our works,from the Lake Victoria, fisherman,bodaboda,Kit mikaye,Lwanda magere,Hyacinth,Ohangla,Kisii soap stone and the list is endless,hence the never ending variety of our creations.

They have successfully had group Exhibitions across the country,in Kisumu at the Kisumu Museum,Aga Khan Hall,Mwangaza Art School,Nairobi National Museum and The Village Market.

Shades of Time
An exhibition by Kafiri Kariuki
15 – 31 May Creativity Gallery

The name Kaafiri Kariuki is synonymous with the intricate and time -consuming technique he calls” dancing pen”.  He uses this to critique the status of society, something that he refer to as an “ironic existence”.The village, the slum and the “big”city are symbols that he always uses to base his critical outline with nostalgic references to “naive” Africa. All these are mixed with personal experiences and an attachment to music, which he plays.

Some of his recent exhibitions include:
2009 -French cultural center ( solo Exhibition)
2009- Ramoma ( solo exhibition)
2010 – Le restique ( solo)
2011- spherique arts (Zanzibar)

Power of Unity
Creating a vital voice for artists to influence good governance
22 May – 22 July The Nairobi Gallery

The Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, The Non State Actors Support Programme (NSA – NET) and the European Union in collaboration with the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) and in consultation with visual artists have organised an exhibition dubbed “Power of unity: creating a vital voice for artists to influence good governance”. The main objective of this initiative is to enable the artists to create a platform / forum in which they can continuously use to articulate issues affecting them as a discipline. The exhibition will serve three purposes, namely:
1.    To provide an opportunity for artist show case their work, specifically reflecting  their interpretation of the networking/unity theme;
2.    To provide an opportunity for visual artist to discuss and endorse the formation of a visual artists network; and
3.    To officially launch visual artists network.





The exhibition will take place at The Nairobi Gallery, National Museums of Kenya from 22nd May 2012 to 22nd July 2012.


Saturday, May 26th 2012: KMS Day Trip – Artists Studio Tour at Kuona Trust

There has been a slight change in the upcoming day trip to KUONA TRUST.

Rather than an exhibition by Gor Sudan, the exhibition will include the work of all the artists at Kuona. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

If we get enough people to come we will be able to have an artist’s demonstration, showcasing either found objects or silk screen printing. So please encourage your friends to sign up!

I am extending the payment deadline to May 26th, the day of the tour, as it has come to my attention how much easier this is for participants.

Meet at 9:50 am at Kuona Trust

Kuona Trust Location: Likoni Close, Likoni Lane, Off Dennis Pritt Road, Hurligham

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you,


Lena Sands
Costume Designer
+254 (0) 707180548

Nakuru National Park – May 18 – 20

Nakuru is one of the lovliest parks in Kenya and has a good concentration of game. When I was last there six months ago I saw eleven lions! There is also a good chance of seeing leopard.

In this wet weather, it is a safe destination. The Nairobi – Nakuru road is tarmarc and the park main roads are in good condition.

We have a good deal for Sarova Lion hill Lodge.



Cost: Ksh 11,750 p.p sharing. Single room supplement is Ksk 2,875 per day.

Included: 2 days FB

Not Included: Transport and Park entry. Entry is Ksh 1,000 per day for citizens and residents.

Please book and pay by 11 May.

Camel Safari – June 1 -3, 2012

This exciting trip will combine a camel walk with history. George and Joy Adamson stayed in this area for several  months when he was warden. We shall visit their house and see where George kept his lions.

On Saturday we shall go for a full day’s camel walk. You can ride a camel or walk alongside.

Included: Lunch and dinner on Friday and dinner on Saturday. For the camel walk, you can either carry you own picnic or get a packed lunch from the camp @ Ksh 600  which will include drinking water.


We shall stay at the simple but very pleasant Gaddissa Camp which is run by a Dutch woman. It is  a few kilometres outside Isiolo. The camp has a swimming pool and five rooms only. 3 rooms have double beds and two have twin beds. No single rooms.

The rest of the persons will camp in the spacious grounds.

Cost: Ksh 12,850 p.p sharing

Ksh 10,450 p.p for campers

Evening Program – Panel Discussion, Illuminating Africa – Tuesday 15 May 2012, Louis Leakey Auditorium, Nrb Nat Museum 7pm

KMS invites you for an enlightening and interactive Panel Discussion on – “Illuminating Africa: No Longer the Dark Continent”

With only 15% of the population covered by the grid and considering high cost and unsafe kerosene lighting, solar energy is a solution for safe, affordable, and modern off-grid lighting.

Join us on Tuesday, May 15th 2012, at 7 pm and learn the opportunities of mass-marketing of solar lighting products, from an invited panel of four representatives of leading companies.

Moderator: Mr Nana Asamoah-Manu, Country Officer-Kenya,

Lighting Africa Advisory Services,

International Finance Corporation

Nairobi National Museum, Louis Leakey Auditorium

Doors Open 6:45pm, Screening 7pm


KMS members: 400, Non Members: 500 & Students: 200

Proceeds fund development of exhibitions at the Nairobi National Museums of Kenya