Member news and why it pays to be a KMS member.

Safari: Lakes Magadi and Natron, 27 – 29 July 2018

Escape the cold in Nairobi. Descend into the Rift Valley and explore the incredibly beautiful hellish paradise of these two lakes.

Friday- Arrive in Magadi late morning. A guided walk by the Magadi Soda Co to explain the soda extraction process.Then we proceed to the lake to see the many water birds especially flaming. Picnic lunch at the lake shore.

Back in Magadi check in at the tented camp (the tents are air-conditioned!) In the afternoon you can go swim at the Magadi Soda club or just relax. Dinner at the club.

Saturday-  After breakfast we depart for the Nguruman escarpment and Lake Natron. There will be a charge to pass through Shompole ranch. The best time at Natron is around 4pm when a lot of game arrives to drink water. Picnic lunch. Return to Magadi by 6.30pm. Dinner at club.

Sunday- After a leisurely breakfast return to Nairobi. We may make a short stop at the pre-historic site at Olorgesaille where you can enjoy the remnants of your picnic food.

Cost  14,400 pp sharing. Single room supplement is only 500 per day but depends on availability. Children pay 60% of the total.

Included – 2 days half board at camp, guide fees, guided walk of soda operations

Not included – transport, Shompole conservancy fee (1,500), Lake Natron fee (500)

Transport: Indicate transportation status when signing up: if you will be driving, if can take passengers, or if you need transportation. Van transportation can be arranged if needed.

Day Outing: Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park, Sat 25 August 2018

Get away from noisy Nairobi for a couple of hours, hiking, birding and game viewing in this serene national park.

The name Ol Donyo Sabuk , in masai , means “ solitary mountain”, this unique mountain

Stands a proud 7,037 feet talll in the predominately flat surroundings of the athi plains. This rugged hump – backed outcrop of ancient rock jutting high above the athi plains, offers from its summit magnificent 360 degree panaromic view s over the athi river,pinapple fields of Thika and the snowcapped views of both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mt kenya on clear days.

Ol donyo Sabuk also homes the grave of famous sir William Northrup Mcmillan.

The park is only 65 km from Nairobi towards central highlands of Thika, and makes for an excellent day trip.

The lush vegetation and cool air of this compact and scenic national park, make trekking easy. The leisurely trek will provide ample opportunity to bird view up close, and also admire various wild grassland game. We will be accompanied by a game ranger as the park boasts of large numbers of buffalo.

Our plan would be to drive northwards to Thika town, via the Chania falls, before proceeding to the fourteen falls, through pineapple plantations. Making stops at all these lovely sites as we drive into the park for a full on day trekking and birding adventure.

Our own Washington Wachira will lead the trip, sharing with us his vast and comprehensive knowledge on birds.


KMS Member – Ksh 3,050

Guest – Ksh 3,350

Payment: Safaricom, M-PESA, Paybill, Business No 400800, Account number 6571570019.

Time: 8 am to 4 pm

Bring a hat, drinking water, binoculars and wear good walking shoes.

Suitable for children over 9 years.

We look forward to this exciting day out and hope many of you will join us.

Included   – Transport, guide and rangers fees

Excluded   – Park Fees, Lunch and other personal expenses.


Safari: Ol Pejeta, Nanyuki 8-10 September 2018

Join us for a weekend getaway to Ol Pejeta from September 8-10. We’ll spend two nights at Pelican House and explore the 90,000 acre Ol Pejeta Conservancy with its diversity of wildlife species including the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa. The Conservancy contains the Sweetwater Chimp Sanctuary for orphaned, abandoned, and rescued chimps; the Morani Information Center; the rhino memorial as well as other points of interest. It is Big Five habitat that is managed by integrating cattle ranching as an ecological tool. The proceeds from Ol Pejeta fees go to community development programs.

Pelican House where we’ll stay has been refurbished as last May. The house overlooks Pelican dam and has a traditional African colonial architecture with a large living room for socializing. It is a self-catering guest house and cottage that has spectacular views of Mt. Kenya.

Cost: 15,000 Ksh for adults pps; 9,000 Ksh for children under 12 years

Included: FB, lodging. Cost excludes Transportation costs and entrance fees.

Payments: Mpesa paybill, Business No: 400800, Account: 6571570019

Bookings: 0724 255 299, 2339158 or

Deadline: Until group limit is reached or August 1 at the latest. Our deposit is due then!

Safari: Mpala Ranch, Laikipia – 16-18 November 2018

Mpala Ranch is a 50,000 swath of savanna and woodland habitat in Laikipia. It is unfenced, but defined by the catchment of 2 rivers. It has some of the most spectacular wildlife populations outside the gazetted national parks – over 6,000 elephants, Grevy’s zebra, a large population of wild dogs, eland, and hippo among others.

During our visit, we’ll have a chance to visit the historic caves on the property, do game drives, and hear presentations from resident researchers. The exact topics for the itinerary will be confirmed as we approach the travel date.

Cost: 18,000 ksh pp sharing

Included: FB and lodging

Included: FB and lodging

Not included: Transport.  Please indicate transportation status when signing up: if you will be driving, if can take passengers, or if you need transportation. Van transportation can be arranged if needed.

Other:  indicate if you are a vegetarian or have food allergies when signing up.

This opportunity to visit Mpala Ranch is a special privilege extended to the Kenya Museum Society

Payments: M-PESA Paybill, Business No: 400800, Account: 6571570019

Bookings: 0724 255 299, 2339158 or


Safari – Lake Turkana and the Chalbi Desert: 24 Aug – 2 Sept, 2018

Safari – Lake Turkana and the Chalbi Desert: 24 August  – 2 September

The 10 day annual KMS trip to Lake Turkana comes with a difference this year!

Itinerary  Nairobi – Isiolo _ Archer’s Post – South Horr – Loyangelani – Mt Kulal – North Horr – Chalbi Desert – Marsabit – Isiolo – Nairobi

Transport in landcruisers

Accommodation in tents. Mattresses provided. You can upgrade yourself to bandas everywhere at only 1,000sh a night if you wish.

Food excellent FB throughout, except lunch on day 10.

Cost – Ksh 134,000 pp

Included transport, accommodation, all food, 2 nights lodge in Marsabit

Not included Marsabit park entry for 2 days (residents 500sh per day), lunch on Day 10.

Deadline for registration and full payment is 10 July. Book early. Only 11 places. Attendance conditional on booking.

For bookings and more details about the trip, please contact us on: 0724 255 299 or

Heritage Walking Tour, Saturday 25 February 2018


This will be an excellent tour, which will see us explore the city’s heritage. We will have a guided walk from the Nairobi National Museum, through Nairobi’s city streets and learn about the history of the architecture of Nairobi’s most prominent buildings, whose history span from the British occupation to the modern era.


  • Guided walking tour to most of the gazetted city buildings by Martin Wahogo, author of Know Kenya pocket guide book
  • Guide fees


KMS member:  Ksh 900                 child: Ksh 500

Guest adult: Ksh 1,200                   child: Ksh 600

Payment: Mpesa paybill, business no: 400800, Account no: 6571570019

Bookings: 0724 255 299 or

Recommended books retailing at the KMS Shop:

Know Kenya by Martin Wahogo @ Ksh 700

A brief tour of the buildings of Nairobi by Everlyn Wanjiku @ Ksh 1500

Treetops – the Aberdares Park – 10-11 March, 2018

Nyeri – Treetops – the Aberdares Park

10-11 March, 2018

This is a one night trip that covers history of Kenya as well as visit to a national park.

We go to Nyeri and the Salient area of Aberdares Park. The destination, Treetops, is about 180km from Nairobi. Treetops is famous in Kenyan history as the lodge where Princess Elizabeth was staying when King George the Sixth died and she became queen. The lobby has a photographic exhibition of the events centred around 1952. The lodge faces Mt Kenya and has a water hole and a salt lick which is visited by wild animals at night, especially elephant.

Cost:   14,250ksh pp sharing.

Single room supplement 900ksh

Included:  1 FB, walk along the river, tips

Not included:  Transport, park entry

Roads: good tarmac, in the park the usual rough roads

Weather:  cold at night so take a jacket

Payment Options:

Safaricon: MPesa Paybill, Business no – 400800, Account No- 6571570019

Airtel Money – 0780 755 231


Bookings:  0724 255 299 or

All KMS activities support and promote the National Museums of Kenya


Easter Safari – Meru National Park, 30 March – 2 April 2018

Date: Friday, March 30- Monday, April 2

Join us for a Easter weekend trip to the least visited Kenyan National Parks- Meru. Blessed with fourteen rivers, Meru National Park is part of a huge protected wilderness of over 6,000 sq km. It has rivers, grasslands, riverine forests with giant raffia palms, wetlands, and kopjes. Lying below 1,000 metres, Meru is pleasantly hot. The park has plenty of game, including the northern species of Grevy’s zebra and reticulated giraffe.

Enroute to Meru we pass through the beautiful Nyambeni Hills. From here you get a bird’s eye view of the plains east of Isiolo. George and Joy Adamson spent several years in Meru and Kora National Parks. Elsa, the lioness, was released in Meru and her grave along with that of Pippa the leopard are also in Meru. Apart from game viewing, activities will include visiting the Elsa’s illusive grave if we can find it!

A KMS safari is not a safari without a challenge.

Cost: 18,500 Ksh for adults; 16,000 Ksh for children

Included: Food, lodging, guide, tips. Carry a picnic lunch for Friday.

Cost excludes Park entry fees, transportation costs, lunch on Monday.

* Please indicate your transportation status when signing up: if you will be driving, if can take passengers, or if need transportation. Van transportation can be arranged if needed.

Deadline: Until group limit is reached or February 25 at the latest.

For more information/full trip itinerary;

Contact: Mobile: +254 724 – 255 299 or 0780 755 231 or

Tel: 020 – 2339158

All KMS activities help fund various projects of the National Museums of Kenya




Kids Dudu Walk, a short film on dragonflies – Saturday 9 December 2017

Kids Dudu Walk, a short film on dragonflies and behind the scenes tour of the Entomology Department.

Saturday 9 December 2017 – Nairobi National Museum
Insects (dudus) are by far the most diverse group of animals on earth. However they are usually overlooked because they are small. Despite their size, they play a major role in our lives. The Kenya Museum Society has organized a dudu excursion at the Nairobi National Museum, led by Laban Njoroge (Bwana Dudu). This kids’ outing, best for ages 6 -12 years, aims at creating environmental awareness for children from an early age by teaching them the importance of insects and how to appreciate them and enjoy them in nature.
Take advantage of this informative kids’ activity, led by an enthusiastic expert.
For planning purposes, please register (send name/s) and pay in advance
Member child Ksh 800
Non Member child Ksh 1,000
Age: 6 years and above
Note: pack snacks and / or picnic lunch, drinking water, a notebook and a pen for your child. They should wear comfortable walking shoes.

Bookings: 0724 255 299 or
Payment Options;
Safaricom – MPESA paybill No: 400800, Account No: 6571570019
Airtel Money – 0780 755 231


The Giraffe Centre and Bomas of Kenya – Sunday, 17 December 2017

Are you looking for a way to reward your loyal staff this December holiday?
KMS has organized a day outing that will intertwine wildlife, nature and culture.

The first stop will be at The Giraffe Centre, the creation of the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife (A.F.E.W), for an opportunity to come into close contact with the world’s tallest species, the giraffe.  This includes Daisy, one of 10 Rothschild giraffes under their care, which your staff can meet head to head – literally – on the raised platform.
The unique cultural experience of seeing traditional homes, artifacts and dances of various ethnic groups of Kenya at Bomas of Kenya will be the culmination of the tour.
Included / Activities

  • Transport
  • Tea / Soda
  • Entry fees to Giraffe Centre and Bomas of Kenya
  • A short talk at Giraffe Centre to learn how and why they are taking care of this endangered animal
  • Nature walk/hike in the serene trail that goes down to the snaking Gogo River, with an alternate route back to the centre that will pass by the Warthog Den.
  • Guided tour of the traditional homes at Bomas
  • Cultural dances at Bomas

Members’ staff: Adult  – Ksh 2,300     Child Ksh 1,900
Non-members’ staff: Adult Ksh 2,500     Child Ksh 2,100
Please register (send name/s of your staff) and pay in advance.
What to bring/wear;  picnic lunch, identification card, notebook, pen, extra drinking water, a hat and a warm fleece. Wear comfortable walking shoes.

Booking: 0724 255 299 or

Payment Options;
Safaricom – MPESA paybill No: 400800, Account No: 6571570019
Airtel Money – 0780 755 231