Member news and why it pays to be a KMS member.

A Day Outing to Brown’s Cheese Factory

A Day Outing to Brown’s Cheese Factory
Saturday, May 11 2013, 11.00am
Activities will be:-
1. Private tasting session for the group
2. Discover flavour differences and cheese families with 8 cheeses including some seasonal cheeses kept just for group tastings.
3. A tour of the factory and overview of how cheese is made
4. Cows and chickens all to enjoy. Milking of cows possible for kids interested.
5. A short walk in the forest often inhabited by Colobus monkeys.
6. An extensive tour of the biodynamic vegetable garden
7. Buying a selection of cheeses to take home at factory prices
8. Mozzarella making for groups that are interested
9. A 3 course lunch made with 100% homegrown ingredients, set in green and tranquil surroundings
KMS members – Adults –Ksh 3,400 & Kids 5-12yrs – Ksh1,000 & 12 and above – Ksh 2,000

Non members – Adults –Ksh 3,600 & Kids 5-12yrs – Ksh1,500 & 12 and above – Ksh 2,500

Children below 5 years will be Free

Note: There are only 30 spaces for this trip, so please sign up & make the payments as soon as possible.


The U.S. Embassy, United States Agency for International Development, United Nations Environment Programme, and the Kenya Museum Society invite you to a special film screening of Chasing Ice in honor of World Earth Day on Saturday, 27 of April at 4:00PM at the Louis Leakey Auditorium, National Museum of Kenya. A Q&A session will follow the film.

In the spring of 2005, acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog went to the Arctic on an assignment with National Geographic to capture images intended to help tell the story of the Earth’s changing climate. Even with a scientific upbringing, Balog had been a skeptic about climate change; but through his Extreme Ice Survey he discovers evidence of our changing planet. Chasing Ice follows Balog across the Arctic as he deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras designed to capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. Balog’s hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate. Traveling with a young team of adventurers by helicopter, canoe and dog sled across three continents, Balog risks his career and his well-being in pursuit of the biggest story in human history.

The film was awarded Excellence in Cinematography, US Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for an Oscar for best original song, among many other notable awards. The film will only be screened once in Nairobi. See it April 27th!

Saturday, 27 April 2013
Louis Leakey Auditorium
Nairobi National Museum
Refreshments: 3.30pm
Film: 4.00pm
Entrance: FREE
RSVP: 0724 255 299, 2339158

Annual General Meeting (AGM)


You are kindly asked to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Kenya Museum Society Wednesday, 18 April, at 6:15 pm at the Louis Leakey Auditorium.  See the agenda below.  Wine, juice and bitings will be provided from 5:45.

  • Complimentary refreshments5.45 pm
  • AGM 6pm
  • Talk on Contemporary Kenyan Literature by Ariel Bookman7pm (see overview below)

The meeting will start at 6:15 pm, followed by a 15 minute talk at 7pm on Kenyan literature.  All who are present for the AGM will be registered for a drawing for a selected book from the KMS Shop.

Any member who wishes to nominate officers or other Council members is encouraged to contact the the KMS office by email or phone.  Any member who wishes to submit a resolution at the Annual General Meeting must do so by sending it in writing by Friday, 3oth March to the Secretary, Dr. Marla Stone, via the KMS email (

Please confirm your attendance on or before Monday, 16th April by email ( or phone (020 3743808, 0724 255299, or wireless 020 2339158).   If your membership has lapsed or will soon lapse you may renew prior to the beginning of the meeting.   Though all categories of members are encouraged to attend, only paid-up members, exclusive of student members, visitor members, NMK special category members, and KMS staff, will be able to vote on any issues.

The agenda for the AGM will be as follows:

  1.  Opening of Meeting
  2. Approval of Minutes of 2011 AGM
  3. Chairperson’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. New Business
  6. Election of officers and other Council members
  7. Appointment of auditor
  8. Additional new business
  9. Revision of visitors membership charges
  10.  Adjournment

Constitutional Changes
To be presented at AGM 18 April 2012

There are no proposed changes to the Constitution.  There is one proposal to the By-Laws to add one category of membership and to raise fees on 3 existing categories.

Changes in membership and fees proposed:
Single                    1500   from 1200
Family                   2000   from 1700
Corporate           6000   from 15,000
Upcountry          1200   (if residence is over 100 kms from Nairobi) – new category

These sections from the By-Laws regard membership.


    1. Single Resident, being a person who is a resident of Kenya
    2. Family Resident, being parent or parents with dependent children under 18 years of age or couples who are residing in Kenya
    3. Student, being a student resident of Kenya
    4. Corporate, being an institution or organization registered in Kenya
    5. Non Resident, being a person or family not residing in Kenya
    6. Visitor, being a person granted one month membership
    7. NMK staff, being staff members of National Museums of Kenya
    8. Exchange member, being an institution granting reciprocal publications exchange
    9. Complimentary, being a person granted membership by the Council for one year

Admission to the Society is upon payment of membership subscription

    1. Council shall have the power to expel or alter the category of membership of any member
    2. The annual fee shall be for the period of one year from date of payment of the subscription
    3. All renewal memberships are payable one year after the original payment date
    4. If any member shall fail to pay the subscription within one month following the due date, membership of the Society ceases but may be reinstated after the payment of subscription


Annual membership fees for all categories are established by Council and remain in force unless and until altered by majority vote of members at the Annual General Meeting or in a Special General Meeting.

Below is an overview of the Talk.

Over the last decade the Kenyan literary scene has exploded with creativity, energy and activity. New writers and publishers seem to blossom overnight, and bookshops around the country are thriving. At the same time the Kenyan people, who have been a perennial source of fascination to the outside world, are increasingly represented in new fiction and scholarship by non-Kenyans. Ari Bookman, a literary researcher from Northwestern University (US), will explain these trends and offer insights into the future of Kenyan literature. He will highlight the contemporary authors, publishers, and books that are changing the way Kenya is perceived, both at home and in the world. He will also give tips on where to look for what’s new, entertaining, and beautiful in Kenyan writing.

Ari Bookman is currently completing research for his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Kenyan Fiction and Consumer Culture, 1963-2010.” He holds an M.A. in English and Certificate in African Studies from Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois, USA) where he expects to earn his Ph.D. in English in 2013. His research has been supported by the Social Science Research Council, the Program of African Studies (Northwestern), and the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities (Northwestern). He has given academic presentations about East African literature in the US, UK, and Kenya, and is the author of forthcoming articles about Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Kwani Trust, and M.G. Vassanji.

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting
Monday, 18 April 2011, 5:30 pm.
Louis Leakey Auditorium

Members will visit the casting department, a recipient of Kenya Museum Society grants awards, at 5.45 pm.

The meeting will start at 6.00 pm. Wine, juice and bitings will be provided.

Any member who wishes to nominate officers or other council members is encouraged to contact the KMS office by email or telephone. Any member who wishes to submit a resolution to the Annual General Meeting must send it in writing by 31 March to the Secretary, Dr. Marla Stone, via the KMS email (

Please confirm your attendance on or before Friday, 15th April by email ( or phone (020 3743808, 0724 255299, or wireless 020 2339158).

If your membership has lapsed or will soon lapse you may renew prior to the beginning of the meeting. Though all categories of members are encouraged to attend, only paid-up members, exclusive of student members, visitor members, NMK special category members and KMS staff, will be able to vote on any issues. The agenda for the AGM will be as follows:

1. Opening of Meeting

2. Approval of Minutes of 2010 AGM

3. Chairperson’s Report

4. Treasurer’s Report

5. New Business

a. Election of officers and other Council members
b. Appointment of auditor
c. Additional new business

6. Adjournment

Please mark your calendar now to attend. Thank you.